Interlake Regional Water Board

What chemicals are in our water?

* By law, we need a disinfectant in our water.

The chemicals used in Interlake's water are very limited.

12% Liquid Chlorine- Sodium Hyper- Chloride


Sodium Hydro-Oxide- Liquid Baking Sodium

(Adding this chemical prevents high acidity in our water and is a means of PH control).



The water leak has been resolved, Interlake thanks everyone for checking on their property/properties.

If at any time you notice signs of water line break please call

306-230-6744 .

New Subscriber Information

(Link includes required forms for new service and service changes)

Public Notice- Our meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month at 4:00 pm via  electronic means. For agenda and/or meeting attendance directions please go to Board Information Page.

Administration is available by phone and email Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.

Payment options: Online banking, cheques, and e- transfers.

The Interlake Water Utility system has been in operation since August 2008. Our plant produces 7.4 million gallons of clean safe drinking water annually. The reverse osmosis treatment system continues to produce some of the highest quality water available to any community today.


Please be advised that effective January 1, 2024, Interlake Regional Water Board rates are increasing. New rates are as follows: Quarterly Service Fee is increasing from $120 to $145 and Bulk Water Rates are increasing from $3.50/100 gal to $5.00/100 gal. Questions or concerns please call 306-386-3152 or email